War of words!

The war of words, fussin', feuding, B##$hing, moaning, grumbling, complaining, slamming, dogging, .......need I go on? It is not the way to win friends, influence people, or make sales. I know, some of you say oh yes it is! My list of fans, followers go up.
I finally get the person to listen to what I have to say. etc. Really? First of all yes, your friends list may go up with the drama lovers that have nothing else better to do than to watch the soap opera unfold. But the ones that carry value you will lose.Second, ARE the people you screaming at REALLY listening? Or are they just responding to your rant?I have seen forum rants, arguements on facebook, and Twitter Wars. I have seen Sellers slamming a site because they don't like a change or the support team can't fix a glitch in 5.2 seconds.

I have seen Musicians and Celebrities scream and cuss out others. I have witnessed customers slam sellers for not IMMEDIATELY responding to an email. It ALL amounts to bad business, no matter what business you are in.If you have a problem with someone, contact them directly, if you have an issue with a site, contact support. And be a little patient in waiting for a response or a fix of an glitch. Remember, once your words are 'out there' for the world to see, they Can grow legs and run.....Are your words running around the internet?? ...And what ARE they telling people about you??