To gym rats..body to die for

Yes, there is such a thing.

Tonight, I am back from the gym and not pleased. Here is my Top Ten List of things not to do while in the gym:

-Don't click the dumbbells at the top of a dumbbell bench press. It's not cool. It's stupid. It annoys The heck out of others!.

-Don't drop the weights. Like one pro once told me, "If you can't put the weight down gently, it's too much weight for you." Besides, it's dangerous. And it annoys The heck out of others!.

-Don't talk on the cell phone, non-stop, in a loud voice. You're there to work out. It's stupid. And, it annoys The heck out of others!

-Don't BS with your buddy or talk up the pretty girl on the treadmill. You're they're to work out. Plus, it annoys ... well, you get the idea.

-Don't leave the weights on the floor. Put back the weights where you found them. The heck out of others! is annoyed when he trips over a stray 25 pound plate.

-Don't groan, yell or scream unless there's more than 400 pounds on the bar. Got that rookie? unless you just want some sexy attentions.

-Don't talk to me in the middle of a set. I'm in the middle of doing something, that if distracted, could give me a hernia, an irritated lumbar disc or a trip to the 16th Precinct on a menacing charge.

-Don't bring a towel and leave your greasy hair stains on the bench or your sweat all over the bar.

-Don't rotate your shoulders on a dumbbell or barbell shrug. That's the way they taught that exercise 40 years ago. It's not cool. It's outdated. It annoys ... you know.

Finally. Number 10. Don't sit on the equipment between sets. Someone (like The heck out of others!) may want to "work in" on a busy night. Stretch. Walk around to stay warm. Don't just sit there like you own the equipment.

To gym rats, young and old, the gym is our temple. Be nice. Keep it clean. Keep it productive. And if you do, you won't have to be on the receiving end of some old, crazy guy's evil eye.

My weekend life

I know, I know. It's been about a year since I've last shared "Deep Thoughts by Yours Truly." I find that I am at my best when things are slow and calm. It is typically those times that my little head is able to process and turn events into crazy thoughts in my head. After what seems like a busy and crazy year I've decided to return to the daily grind and be better at updating. These next few entries will catch ya'll up on my life since Wednesday December 17, 2008, but, for now, I wanted to talk about my mid life purgatory.

I don't think I will ever be a person who goes through a midlife crisis. I mean, I strongly believe that having an untraditionally tough childhood has led me to really, really, really appreciate the aging process. My life has increasingly gotten better and more fulfilling with age. But that absolutely does not stop me from having a mid-life purgatory.

For those of you unfamiliar with such above mentioned illness it is when you are literally stuck between being a kid and being an adult. Some people look at this and think...yuck, purgatory stinks while others think its the perfect utopian life balance.

I, on the other-hand, have no idea which one I am. Examples you ask???

1- I walk into the school cafeteria and will shake my head in disgust at all the little children going to school in their pj's BUT find it difficult to leave with my cup of coffee because the TV is tuned into MTV's "True Life"

2. I want to go back to school BUT only if it A.) pays me to study like an adult job does B.) does not require additional work when I am done with class like an adult job does and C.) Gives me 25 vacation days of my choice like my job does (I mean on top of daily classtime)

3. I love hosting dinner parties and throwing keggers and literally having a hoe-down every weekend, BUT the idea of strangers peeing and puking in my sparkly white toilet bowl isn't as glamorous as it was before

4. I attend the "young" events and feel it's too loud, too obnoxious, too hipstery and too, well, young BUT I attend the "adult" events and have a hard time contributing to mortgages, children and climbing the corporate ladder. I mean all I want to do is ask, "Can you believe Tamara in the Real Housewives last night??? I mean, for realz?"

5. I still hate going to bed and will find myself making picture frames, playing Nintendo DS or watching TV til late at night, BUT still getting my purgatory ass out of bed by at least 9 am.

6. On weekends I think about gardening, re-arranging the apartment or running errands BUT typically wake up hung over and wanting a greasy breakfast followed by a nap. (oh p.s. I don't know how to garden, am not too handy when it comes to decorating and really what are errands if not things that can be done tomorrow?)

7. In the sense of cognitive awareness I know that I should be excercising more and eating healthier as I grow older BUT I continue to tell myself that Asians have an additional 5 year bump due to high metabolism and I live in a city that celebrates fine dining so I should never waste such opportunities.

so there you have it dear avid readers. I have now bestowed upon you my deepest and most intimate thoughts. Trust me, more will be coming but, for now, I will leave you with this final thought.

If you find yourself reading this and thinking "yes, yes, yes, I agree" then there is clearly only one solution for you. Move to Brooklyn (preferably as close to Metropolitan and Graham as possible) and let's start a club together where we we act like complete teenage fools with the dignitgy and experience of an adult in purgatory.

Lack of Focus?


I am weary and frustrated at my lack of technical precision in my latest photographs.
I am bored because I am house-bound, sick of photographing produce from my fridge, and definitely not interested in doing any more self-portraits for at least a little while (although my REAL ring-flash may be arriving at my doorstep tomorrow... and i'll want to practice with it of course!!)
So, there is a strong chance that I may have to whip out the old sewing machine.

I don't want to get burnt out with the camera and 365, so if I focus some of my creativity in a place other than the camera I may be able to break out of my funk.
(of course I will still be continuing my 365, just with less pressure). Does that make sense?
One of the things that's driving me nuts with photography at this moment is WHY THE HELL CAN'T I FOCUS???
I'm shooting with a tripod.
I'm shooting handheld.
I'm shooting manually.
With auto-focus, and focusing manually.
Fast shutter speeds.
Even high ISO's
I'm doing all these things!

Look at these apples for Pete's sake: they aren't moving, so it's not like when I'm trying to shoot my busy little girl and all I'm getting is blur.

My fave photogs on the internet use lightroom and photoshop. I've got PSE6 :c (
They have these amazing photos where the subject virtually pops off the screen.
Take a look at some of the beautiful photographs of Indiana Photographer Leah Profancik

that is what i want to achieve. Bright, vivid, crisp shots that pop. I "think" I know what these pros are using, but I'm not 100% sure.

Another thing I'm curious to learn is Lightroom.
I can't quite wrap my head around why Photoshop isn't enough: why do photogs use both.
and what's the dif between an "action" and a "preset"? (I use actions currently)

OK, enough rambling for the day.
Sorry for the scatterbrained post today, lil Miss Busy is quite the Busy Bee today and I haven't been able to complete the simplest thoughts or tasks because of near constant requests for milk or book reading or building legos and whatnot.

Hmmm..smell good

Aromatherapy is a unique form of massage therapy because of the oils that are used during a session. The therapist may use one from more than 90 oils to provide psychological and physical benefits to the body.

Most of the oils used for aromatherapy come from natural ingredients. Examples of these include herbs, milk powders, hydrosols, sea salts, sugars, clays and mud. It is frowned upon when some use synthetic ingredients.

It is widely practiced in the US and in Europe and integrated into holistic treatments. Aside from oils, aromatherapy can be using candles and bath salts which allow you to enjoy it in the comforts of your home.

Aromatherapy is used to treat various health conditions. These include allergies, bruises, burns, diarrhea, bronchitis, colds, ear ache, energy, flu, headaches, insomnia, menopause, nervousness, scars, sprains, stress, shingles and wounds.

For home treatment, you can buy these oils off the shelf and then use it whenever you feel like it. These are easy to spot as they are all packaged in small bottles with the name of the oil and the ingredients that are used. If you are not familiar with the oil, you can open it and smell it to see if it is worth buying.

With the oil in your possession, you only have to add 2 to 3 drops like eucalyptus, tea tree or rosemary in hot water. You then hold your head over the bowl and then inhale the fumes. For other problems, you can apply oils to baths and compresses.

Aromatherapy per se is not designed to treat any major illness. It can only relieve minor problems so before you try aromatherapy, it is best to first consult with a doctor.

If you decide to go for a massage, talk with the practitioner about your medical history and current physical condition. Knowing how you feel is the only way for him or her to determine what oil should be used for the session.

Women who are pregnant or nursing should never undergo aromatherapy as the scents from the oils could be harmful to the infant.

For those who want to know more about aromatherapy, they can read it in books or in the Internet. There are also classes that can people of all levels can join so they can learn how to mix the oils together.

The benefits of aromatherapy as mentioned earlier are psychological and physical because the scent simulates the brain to trigger a reaction and at the same time supply therapeutic relief. A good example is eucalyptus oil which is known to ease congestion.

When the oil is applied to the skin, it is absorbed by the bloodstream and aids in certain health, beauty and hygiene conditions.

If you want to learn more about aromatherapy, you can take up classes. Here you will learn how to mix the oils together and create your own concoctions. Most programs will cost a little over $500 and with it, the materials to be used during the sessions.

Aromatherapy is a unique form of massage therapy because you don’t need physical contact all the time to get relief. You can inhale it or bathe in it. It is truly, a holistic form of healthcare that is worth checking out.



After, the whirlwind that was Christmas, I couldn't wait to start the new year. Well guess what? Things haven't slowed down yet. I'm trying to get my bearings-and that may take a while-but I wanted to tell you about some of my ideas for 2010. Call them resolutions if you'd like but I feel too much pressure that way. So here they are...

My Ideas for 2010

*to take a tropical family vacation

*to create a business name and become a little more structured with the business I am currently doing.

*nearly eliminate crap sugars (refined sugar).

*to continue running at least 3x per week.

Hopefully by having just a few I can stay focused on them. So what are your ideas?

Two Months

Two months. Two long months since I posted. Two months since I also developed a legit reason to take a blogging break. If you are a friend or family you probably already know, but since I feel accountable to my blog I wanted to post it here: we're expecting. Hooray.

So instead of posting here, I have had my head in the toilet. That is a pretty good reason for an extended blogging absence, right?

Now, I don't want to use this blog to vent (that's what facebook is for, right?) but I have to say that I was seriously misled as to how awesome pregnancy was supposed to be. So far I have experienced absolutely none of those magical "I'm pregnant and glowing and thrilled and carrying a miracle" moments. Zero. Actually, almost from the moment that I found out that Gary knocked me up (I got a positive home pregnancy test at 5 weeks) I have been horribly sick. That little blue line made its debut the morning of my first in-class final. The next day I had 2 more finals and that was the exact day that I started throwing up.

Who does that?!! Who gets sick like a week after conception?!!

I spent one of my finals making mad dashes for the restroom in between writing essays.
I spent another final hoovering crackers and powerade to keep the vomit at bay.

And from that point things got nasty. I spent the second half of December hurling every time I got in the car, every time I smelled old cooking smells (scrambled eggs were and are the worst), and any time someone around me burped. Christmas was puke-tastic. New Years we had tickets to see Joel McHale (my hero) but I only made it a third of the way to the venue before my husband had to drop me off at my in-law's where I spent the night trying not to throw up on their floor while I planted myself in to a recliner. I spent one morning in urgent care (my OB sent me there suspecting I was dehydrated) and after they gave me a NASTY shot of phenergin, I spent the next 18 hours passed out and drooling in bed (yowza that stuff is strong!)

I tried ginger, I tried peppermint tea, I tried sea bands, I tried sour candies, I tried eating before I got out of bed in the morning, I tried "breathing through it" (something a lab tech suggested while I was having blood drawn), I feel like I have tried it ALL. The only thing I haven't tried is acupuncture, but I'm not ruling it out as a possible treatment. I've been on Zofran for a month and a half, and I've had a handy Zofran pump for the last 5 weeks (the pills alone weren't cutting it.) I signed up for school hoping the pump would help, but I've had an awful time getting there since being in the car seems to amplify my yak-reflex. I've missed plans with my friends, outings with my husband, and family functions including two that included Gary's estranged sister. I lost 12 pounds in two weeks so they put me on an iv drip to get some fluids in me. My baby has rejected Dr. Pepper, strawberries, Filibertos carne asada burritos, chocolate and anything fried (basically all things that are happy and good.)

I really hate being pregnant. Don't get me wrong; this was a planned pregnancy, we do WANT kids, and I'm sure that once the screaming little monster is in my arms then it will be worth this whole hellish experience. But this kid is doing very little to endear itself to me.

We have heard the heartbeat, which was cool in a "huh, there's a heartbeat in that thing" kind of way, but neither of us have had the magical "ah-ha" moment where it hits me that there is a BABY in there.

So. There's the scoop. Lesson learned: don't get pregnant. Gary has assured me that we never have to do this again. We were already planning on adopting a child, so we will just forge ahead with that plan when we decide it is time to add to the family again. Or we will get another dog.

I'll try and post again this weekend with the few projects we were able to finish before we found out we were expecting. Being with child has really put a cramp on my DIY projects since I can't work with paints or stains or varnishes and the like. BUT we are trying to forge ahead and Gary is just having to pick up the slack while I take on a more directorial role. Good thing I am naturally inclined to be bossy.

A Hiatus really?

I know, I've been on a blogging hiatus. Unfortunately I don't have any good reason, other then I feel like nothing of consequence is going on in my life. I go to school Monday through Thursday by 7:00 a.m., yes seven, and also Tuesday and Thursday from 11:00 to 12:20. (fun lunch uh?!) I'm still working 40 hours a week. Naturally that doesn't leave much time to do other fun things... I wish I had something oh so excited to blog about, but alas I do not. So, I will blog about the boring things going on in my life. The real life, the not so glamorous things in everyday life. Now no one can complain about how boring their life is....

-Money has been tight lately! And by tight I mean, tighter then a fat person in spandex! I think I've made it through my biggest expenses, but I'm incredibly depressed every time I look at my account. I think I need to seriously revisit a budget, and pray that I'll win the lottery.

-I feel so blessed to have work right now, not only work, but a job that I really do enjoy. Things aren't perfect there, and there is one thing that could make it better, but I choose to ignore the Village Idiot most days.

-Yesterday Verizon Wireless sent me over the edge, I did something I've never done. I called the customer service department and vented my frustration. I know I can be an outspoken person, but when I'm upset I have a hard time getting myself to say something. So it felt oh so good to say something yesterday! Good job Brooke.

-I feel like I live alone right now, which makes me sad, but I'm grateful I have a house. Actually in general I feel quite alone. I feel like I'm in need of a special someone, wither that means a best friend or a boyfriend. It's ok though, I'm praying for someone and I'll take whatever I'm given. I know prayers are answered.

-I love the pink, red, and hearts that are every where right now, not because I like Valentine's day, but because it signifies my day of birth! In case you didn't know I L-O-V-E my birthday... I just need something to do now.

-Haiti.... breaks my little heart.

-I've decided that I'm quite a sass. Not because of my attitude, but because of my clothes. Judge me if you'd like for being self confident, maybe even a tad arrogant, but I decided this week I really like my clothes. It's joy in the simple things in life right?

-Math is a real struggle this semester... the fact that's it's at 7am doesn't help, but I think my teacher is 101 years old. I concentrate so much on the fact that he is still living that I tend to not absorb the information being presented. Moving on to English there are so REAL characters in there. I think 90% of my class decided to try college out the day class started. Which kind of makes me mad. I had to take a placement test to get into English 1010, I didn't score high enough so I had to take Writing 990. How did these crazies place into that class!? BOO!

-I did something brave, three weeks ago. I finally told Kason I couldn't be even a friend to him anymore. It's so hard letting go of people who have met so much to you. Kason was my first real love and moving on has been a task. Sometimes to move forward we have to be willing to let go 100%. I wish him nothing but the best in life.

-I feel very grateful for my friends. Life has taken us all in very different ways, and it's incredible to me how close most of us have stayed. We've lost one, but I think it's been her loss not ours.

-Anyone has Haggerman's sugar cookies!? Yum-e!

-I recently found a quote that I really like, nay love, "We are only as happy as we make up our minds to be." Abe Lincoln.

-I'm terribly self conscious of my spelling. I've never been to good at it.

-Why is it that my bronzer, hairspray, and toothpaste all run out on the same day?! :(

This is it folks, all I have to offer!

Girls on a beach

The past three months have literally flown by. A lot of laughs, nature, drinks and new friends. The beach is just as beautiful and blue as when I first arrived and the climate is as dry and cool as it can be. I've finally inspected all the tours CM offers - Phang Nga Bay, Phi Phi Islands, Lost Temple, Elephant Strolling and Simon Cabaret. It's sooo nice to be an excursion G.O. because I get to go out and about with people while i'm on the job. I would've hated being stuck on the resort the whole time. I just love love love being outdoor and active. My passion for being in the water is amply met with my current location where I get to take midday breaks on the beach. I've become a snorkeling master and I currently ponder over the possibility of becoming a scuba diving master as well. Things become just incredibly wicked once you go deeper. What better chance to be certified than working and living on an island in Thailand!

I'm really getting used to my new life here - maybe a little too comfortable sometimes. Yesterday I biked to Karon Beach around 3pm and sunbathed and swam till the sun set. I drank a beer and had a fresh mango and talked to my friends and family back in Korea - I found out my best friend was engaged!!! After sunset, I bid goodbye to my new friend Khun Kwan and biked back to Kata for massage and pedicure - sooo cheap here. Then, I got really hungry I went to my favorite local restaurant and got yummy yummy Chicken Fried Rice with Egg for 45 Baht, which is about 1 USD!. I came back to my room and watched Two Lovers - a pirated DVD, of course - and then fell asleep. A wonderfully quiet and satisfactory day off.

Although I'm not sure exactly when it's going to be, a vacation is coming up. I have to take one before May and considering the rate of my spending, it will be pointless to go back to Korea with no money in my pocket. I hope my family can take a vacation here instead


Feel free to share or post this link on your blog as well.My oodles and oodles of supplies came from Dick Blick last week!! Ready to start on some new series just have to find the time. I hope this year I'll knock your socks off with new art.

Trying to freshen things up!! Speaking of that, remember everything but my new section in my Etsy and ArtFire shops are 40% off! Yes everything, till it's all gone!One last thing, my little newsletter I had started last year that I have 20 subscribers to now, yeah that's one of the things going bye bye since I can't remember to update that. So you heard it from me first, my blog will be my updating hub.

If I have news I'll share it here and also on my FB fan page (link is on the right) If you're on FB that's updated often.Ok so this is a PS - I am sooooo excited to share and show you my latest Bad Girl creation. It will go live next Monday 12AM PST. Be on the lookout for it, you won't want to miss it. Once that's posted it will be for sale as well. If you're interested when you see it let me know!That's it! Hope you have a fantabulous week!!

No Anchor

During the last couple of months, I began harboring this itch. And I know this itch. I‘ve scratched it before. It began at the exact place I’m sitting now; at the table nearest the trashcan in my favorite Barnes & Noble in Maryland. And, the more romanticized aspect of this whole affair is that I can almost positively state that it was exactly three years ago that I made the decision I’m currently set on reversing.I remember the “aha!” moment. I didn’t drive straight home and tell the ‘rents “look, come summer, I’m moving back to LA…hasta la vista”.

I kept it to myself, but spoke of it with certainty. I told random strangers, but never my closest friends. And here I am. Again. Sitting next to my very own version of the Bodhi Tree (which stinks of sugary Starbucks concoctions). And it almost feel reverential. I’m digging for a deeper meaning, when the pure reality of the situation is that I don’t like the “real life” I have in LA. It’s not the life I imagined three years ago. So, I’m re-imaging a life in DC; I’d land the perfect gig, meet awesome people, go to awesome places, and do awesome things.

And magically, I won’t be the person I am, but instead be the person I want to be.Moving is my short term, fuck-it-all solution. I do love LA. When I’m not there. When I’m not working. When it’s not sunny. And I hate DC. When I’m here. And when I’m working. And when it’s snowing. If I quit a well-paying, upwardly mobile gig that supplies me with enough dough to grocery shop at Whole Foods, afford my own pad, and buy useless techie toys, would it be stupid?

If I gave up and vagabonded cross country for a couple months, would it be crazy? Better yet, is it rational to wake up in the morning, dread my day? Week? Year? And repeat it over a lifetime? And is it absofuckinglutely insane, knowing that in three years time, I will likely reverse the reversal of my decision?

War of words!

The war of words, fussin', feuding, B##$hing, moaning, grumbling, complaining, slamming, dogging, .......need I go on? It is not the way to win friends, influence people, or make sales. I know, some of you say oh yes it is! My list of fans, followers go up.
I finally get the person to listen to what I have to say. etc. Really? First of all yes, your friends list may go up with the drama lovers that have nothing else better to do than to watch the soap opera unfold. But the ones that carry value you will lose.Second, ARE the people you screaming at REALLY listening? Or are they just responding to your rant?I have seen forum rants, arguements on facebook, and Twitter Wars. I have seen Sellers slamming a site because they don't like a change or the support team can't fix a glitch in 5.2 seconds.

I have seen Musicians and Celebrities scream and cuss out others. I have witnessed customers slam sellers for not IMMEDIATELY responding to an email. It ALL amounts to bad business, no matter what business you are in.If you have a problem with someone, contact them directly, if you have an issue with a site, contact support. And be a little patient in waiting for a response or a fix of an glitch. Remember, once your words are 'out there' for the world to see, they Can grow legs and run.....Are your words running around the internet?? ...And what ARE they telling people about you??


After feeling like a castaway due to spending a few weeks on a secluded beach in Mexico. I awoke one day with an idea of walking the entire bay and picking up trash. The strange bit of this adventure was the amount of shoes that I found. It was interesting that I never came across pairs, only a single lone shoe missing its twin.After collection two grocery bags full.

I thought it would be a good idea to make them into some form of art before I threw them into the garbage.Mimicking the palm leaf shapes casting shadows on the ground, I ordered the shoes largest to smallest creating my "found object art piece" Here's the photo of my work!I'm still a bit bewildered by how many shoes are washed up on shore when compared to other trash items. I think that this provides a bit of a lesson to all of us. Please check your shoes to be sure they are a snug fit, or leave them with your towel.

The ocean has a way of taking them and never giving them back.

A lot of worry for what?

I am a mental slave to my own self. All the worry and stress I am just simply done with. Our financial situation has been precarious for some time but so what? It's just numbers on someone's balance sheet. My worth is not in this world.I have one week left in Florida before returning to Beantown and I really can see the changes in our life as I look back at the last three weeks.I just don't care to see people as much anymore because time is so precious. I want to see the ones I really care deeply about; the friends and family who I know will continue to be in my life even though I live 2,000 miles away.I miss the things and even the close relationships that have changed... people are growing up, starting new schools and jobs, getting married, and don't like to reminisce as much as I do... alas the movement of life is too forward for me at times.One good thing is that we'll be having some loved ones visit us up north very soon. Memories shall be made and fun will be had.I know I'm where I'm supposed to be and I know God will provide like always... Enough worry.I'm just going to start punching my worry in the face.

I wanna be a cowboy or just a cowgirl would do

Several week ago, I bought 2 tickets to see Jamey Johnson & Randy Houser in concert. Both RD and I were very excited. He has been gone to a lot of rodeos and stuff lately and with me having neck surgery - I was not up to travel much.
I was so excited about date night! I mean see the boy everyday but every now and then you just wanted dress up and go do something fun. Well the plans were made.... and then they were broken.
RD went to a rodeo Friday night and his good friend Terry (a bull stock contractor) had to leave. RD had to stay and make sure the bulls were alright and that they got bucked at Saturday's rodeo.
So no concert for us. Luckily, one of my friends bought the tickets from me.
So I went shopping and bought myself a few early birthday presents :)
2 pair of jeans... one of which is a skinny jean. I finally found a pair that do not make me look like the side of a barn from behind. Haha.. I'm sure yall got a good laugh out of picturing that!
1 shirt.. gray in color. Dark gray... almost black. I got my Momma the same shirt in blue for Christmas.
I bought Maddy a bunch of fun goodies from Claire's for her birthday.
Some body splash... I have been wanted some more for some time.. like 2 years to be exact.
2 pair of tights... one gray in color & one black in color without feet.
2 SEC Championship shirts... black in color and they look really good! REALLY GOOD.

Long Vacation

After a long vacation (3 weeks!), I am back at work at lab, back in the studio for both practice and teaching, and back at the computer to blog. I can't believe how fast it went, it seems like maybe it was a dream that I snapped awake from so quickly that it doesn't seem real, like it is fading in the distance. Ok, enough romanticizing about the holidays...

Monday was my first day back at both jobs. Finally had students in my Monday night class, after changing it to Hatha Level 1, from Ashtanga-Vinyasa Fusion. Monday nights at 7:30 pm is a little late I guess to market a hot, sweaty, full-o-cardio, kind of practice. Although I think the real kicker was that a very established teacher was doing a dynamic flow in the class before mine, and there had never been a class after. So we move on to Hatha 1 for now, which was really fun to teach.

My practice has felt like a calico cat lately, with patchwork contributions from everywhere. FitTV, Anusara, Ashtanga, Sivananda, Iyengar, etc. It has been really fun just finding my way. However, I do crave structure and progress, and answering to a regular teacher has always forced me to stick with it. Which is why I fell in love with Ashtanga in the first place. I've heard people say that if you are a Pitta, Type A personality, that you will naturally align with Ashtanga, but what you really need is a practice to balance out the Pitta, like a restorative type. I can't tell if me being ok with being away from a daily mysore, or even led, ashtanga practice is a function of me seeking what I am needing, or if it is a function of my personality changing. And I'm falling into a style of practice that matches my constitution, rather than complementing it...

My Take on the Iphone

As everyone knows, the iPhone is an amazing device -- just not a great phone, which is due to unreliable service. That's the only reason I switched. And I was kind of worried about the experience I'd have with a Droid from Verizon. So instead of talking about the iPhone, I'm going to focus on my experience with the (motorola) droid -- in the context of being a former iPhone user.

Also, these are just impressions -- not scientific testing with a stop watch. But I think after over a decade in web dev, I can make observations about a device that are qualitatively valid, if not totally rigorous.

First, the device itself looks okay -- not beautiful like the iphone, but certainly not hideous. The are certainly better and worse-looking smart phones out there. And it's kind of heavy, most likely due to the hard keyboard that slides out.

Big, bright and sensitive (like me!). Seriously, it's just as nice, if not nicer than the iphone screen, which I thought was amazing.

Android is really nice. It borrows a lot of the simplicity of the iphone, with some nice added features like a top status you can pull down for details on your alerts.

It's great -- but I'm only using Gmail right now. In fact, the whole google suite (cal, docs, search) is pretty killer.

Great -- can't really tell the difference between its performance and the safari's. Oddly, it doesn't feel like Chrome (google's browser for computers).

Phone calls
No doubt, in my experience, Droid crushes the iphone. No dropped calls (yet) vs. 6 out of 10 calls dropped with iphone (for me).

Keyboard and Autocomplete
Honestly, the soft keyboards are similar. A couple nice things on droid include a .com and @ symbol on the default keyboard. There's also a hard keyboard -- but I'm not really using it. The soft one is fine -- and, the big news, the autocomplete is wonderful! Suggestions appear right above where you type -- not in the sentence like on iphone -- and the it's learning my vocabulary really fast.

iPhone wasn't great, and the Droid is just as poor, if not worse. Had a backup battery for the iphone, and now I have one for the Droid.

I was a huge apps user, and that's where my biggest fear was. It was unfounded. The android marketplace is great. Haven't missed one app.

Droid camera is ridiculously awesome. 5mp. Video. Flash. Really, really nice. I was amazed by how good the iphone camera was, and I'm blown away by the droid.

I was bumming about having to have a separate ipod. Then I found an app called doubletwist that syncs a droid with itunes with absolutely no hassles.

The Droid has added something I think is awesome: a back button right on the case. At first I wasn't sure I would use it, but it really comes in handy. Back has definitely become a standard move for users, and it makes total sense to have that on the phone.

So that's where I'm at in my assessment. More to come...